感覺幸福與快樂的方法 感覺幸福與快樂的方法 根據正向心理學的研究,一個人要感覺幸福和快樂有八個具體可行的作法:一、時時行善︰將自辦公室出租己所擁有的財富或資源,與身邊的人分享。對朋友或陌生人仁慈,讓自己感覺很慷慨、能分享,也會贏得別人笑容、讚許及仁慈回饋。二、心存感買屋激︰準備一本『感恩筆記簿』,每天將生活中發生的小小幸運以及你心存感激的人事物記錄下來,經常回顧,細數自己的幸福。三、品嚐樂趣︰多租屋注意那些能讓人短暫快樂和驚喜的事,例如溫暖的陽光、花草的香味、棉被的柔軟等等。心理學家建議,不妨將快樂欣喜的時光如照相一般印存在租屋網腦海中,在痛苦時再一幕幕翻出來回味。四、感謝貴人︰找出生命中的貴人,那些曾經在生命的重要階段幫助過你、給你愛,帶給你正向影響的人澎湖民宿。試著把對他們的感謝表達出來,讓他們了解。五、學習諒解︰如果有人傷害你、誤會你,就寫封信給他表示原諒,也讓自己的怒氣怨恨得以發洩情趣用品。無法諒解他人會讓自己積怨、心懷報復,諒解則會讓你大步往前。六、珍惜親友︰身邊最親近的親朋好友,他們常常是你埋怨最多的人,但也是澎湖民宿最在乎你的人。多花點時間及精力在朋友親人身上,去創造更多親密快樂的經驗。七、照顧身體︰充足的睡眠、規律的運動、健康的飲食、笑口常花蓮民宿開都可以在短時間內改善心情。常做這些事會提昇你的生活滿意度。八、面對難關︰人生不如意十常八九,宗教信仰可幫助你度過難關,某些看似看房子平凡無奇的信念也可以。例如「事情總會過去,這次也一樣」、「任何打不死我的事,會讓我變得更堅強」、「這些困難是我創造出來幫助我成長土地買賣的」。

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縣道197~富源遠眺陽光 雲朵 酒店經紀輕風 山麓 大地放眼 心曠神吳哥窟怡 匆匆 可不得這風景花時間九份民宿 留閒情 繞繞小徑小型辦公室東海道不一樣的美麗等您細品有巢氏房屋. 2009/01/09

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北海岸~偷閒這篇是媽咪難得獨自的趴趴走日記~ 7月1日公司盤點~放假天~開心ㄋ難得的非假日假期寶貝們去上學~ 避開假日人潮~和同事悠閒去土地買賣北海岸隨意走走沿著北濱公路(台2線)前往~從淡水一路經三芝~石門~金山看到了沿途倚山傍海的北海岸風景~許多咖啡庭林立~在石門鄉的新十酒店經紀八王宮廟對面~看到一個小景色希臘式白牆拱廊造景,營造出浪漫的地中海情調原來是今年才啟用的~石門婚紗廣場這是香香十幾年的同事~是常笑房屋貸款開懷的~美女她今天帶她兩個寶貝兒子出遊~路癡的我就~坐便車了想到前一陣子格友~快樂ㄉ小瑜兒有介紹這附近一家餐廳~莎蜜拉海岸咖啡~是偶支票貼現像劇偶像劇『蛋炒飯』在老梅社區拍攝的場景一家座落於蔚藍海岸、白色沙灘旁的特色咖啡坊融合地中海與南洋風情風格的莎蜜拉,有種慵懶的花蓮民宿氣息這沙灘有透過小瑜兒介紹今年才知道的景觀~綠石槽不過現在因為天氣炎熱現已斑白枯萎~剩岩石 店家說明年2-4月間天氣不熱來看~會是如夢信用貸款似幻的綠色海岸景色今天真好~沒有什麼遊客~在這歇歇看書報午餐吃這有名~蛋炒飯為什麼是~翻滾吧蛋炒飯 '因為要炒一盤粒粒分明的蛋炒西服飯就必須不斷翻滾鍋子~如此才可有一盤好吃的 "蛋炒飯這皮蛋的蛋香~加上花生~非常對味~ 還點了一盤德國香腸~一次可以吃到四種口味不錯ㄋ澎湖民宿下回黃昏時還要帶寶貝來這踩踩沙灘~看不同景這是美女同事的兩個寶貝~我可是看著他們長大想到這小的7個多月就出生在醫院我抱餵奶時小小模買屋樣現在小五生小六~塊頭可要比我大囉富基漁港~有現烹煮海產~可惜不餓漁人碼頭~艷陽~走在這橋上有風還蠻涼回程看到在三芝看到的~的飛碟屋機車借款廢墟~遠觀就好

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吳bready的冬天預禦寒帽2012/01/04吳bready的冬天預禦寒帽~終於來嚕因為只有一頂嬰兒時期的嬰兒帽還可以戴  而且那頂帽子真的蠻緊的一戴上去室內設計可能不舒服 吳bready就會有點生氣所以爸比一直催促  叫媽咪趕快去買於是就在網路上隨便買了3頂前天傍晚寄來了  一頂才$100 感覺料澎湖民宿子還真是不大好ㄟ吳bready你就先忍耐一下吧 雖然料子普普 不過很喜歡吳bready戴這種有點像飛行員款式的帽子  感覺好可愛ㄟ~這張的帽子很像蒙古租屋小王子ㄟ天啊 這頂真是失敗品  怎麼那麼像女生啊!!my god~~沒想到  同時 恰巧外婆也佛心來的剛好也買了2頂帽子給吳房屋貸款bready..................................................................真的感謝部落格媽麻的鼓勵ㄟ~其實還有娘家有一些小事也讓我小煩心另外票貼........有時看到別人家阿罵阿公很疼孫我都會偷偷的忍不住羨慕總覺得吳bready的阿公阿嬤  欠缺那麼一點熱情又是獨孫.............照理 應該很買屋網疼吧  應該秀命命吧  不過卻好像沒有但是人生就是這樣 沒有所有的一切都盡如自己意的...........總有不順心的事總有 不是自己所能掌控室內裝潢的事恩~~~~~不能掌控的事 那也沒辦法  我們只能去做自己能掌握的事 對吧!!至於阿公阿嬤 我朋友說 或許是鄉下人不懂表達而且若沒有吳汽車借款bready的阿嬤  我就沒有疼我的老公我還是應該好好的感謝她  對吧恩~~ 想到這裡就覺得自己真的太貪心了  想要得還真多啊!!不過我燒烤的朋友也真寶  覺得 阿公阿麻少干涉  更好ㄟ..................所以凡事總有樂觀另一面的想法人生有限........應該多一點樂觀的想法結婚  ~~~~這樣人生就會很快樂唷~~

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★↘☆╭我不會唱歌╮☆↙★我不會唱歌(周定緯)作詞:鄭楠∕施人誠 作曲:鄭楠 編曲:鄭楠∕呂紹淳(東城音樂)燈光點亮千萬聲的吶喊 布幕拉開了熱鬧的開場沒有人知道 我屏住了呼吸抑制緊張誰都說這是他們的夢想 在臺上一分鐘也是奢望沒有人相信 今天晚上竟然室內設計換我上場觀眾焦急的等待 下一個節目(又)會是哪個天王天后天團我可以猜到我的下場 觀眾會去上廁所記者會去吃便當可是 我還是願意 拿出我的誠意 讓你們知道我做了多少努力雖然 我不是很會唱 可是我願意把我的一切拿給大家分享都說我不會唱歌 我的嗓音沒有那麼獨新成屋特但我保持一份自信 保留我的個性 你們說我還行不行別說我不會唱歌 我的聲音就算沒有特色可是我還有份熱情 要讓你們開心 你們說我還行不行我的聲音聽來有些孤單 對抗那一千分貝的冷淡多少人在乎 這是我多麼重要的夜晚時間還剩下最後一分半 能不能來得及讓你鼓房屋二胎掌我舞步不亂 再怎樣也要漂亮的唱完[00:01.00]周定緯-我不會唱歌[00:10.06][01:22.18][00:19.30]燈光點亮千萬聲的吶喊 布幕拉開了熱鬧的開場[00:24.20]沒有人知道 我屏住了呼吸抑制緊張[00:28.50]誰都說這是他們的夢想 在臺上一分鐘也是奢望[00:34.15]沒有人當鋪相信 今天晚上竟然換我上場[00:38.72]觀眾焦急的等待 下一個節目(又)會是哪個天王天后天團[00:43.40]我可以猜到我的下場 觀眾會去上廁所記者會去吃便當[00:48.20]可是 我還是願意 拿出我的誠意 讓你們知道我做了多少努力[00:53.40]雖然 我不是很會唱 可是我願賣房子意把我的一切拿給大家分享[01:00.35]都說我不會唱歌 我的嗓音沒有那麼獨特[01:05.43]但我保持一份自信 保留我的個性 你們說我還行不行[01:11.00]別說我不會唱歌 我的聲音就算沒有特色[01:14.90]可是我還有份熱情 要讓你們開心 你們說我還行不行[01:38.81]我的個人信貸聲音聽來有些孤單 對抗那一千分貝的冷淡[01:42.85]多少人在乎 這是我多麼重要的夜晚[01:48.83]時間剩下最後一分半 能不能來得及讓你鼓掌[01:53.38]我舞步不亂 再怎樣也要漂亮的唱完[01:58.67]觀眾焦急的等待 下一個節目(又)會是哪個天王天后天團[02:03.17]我關鍵字廣告可以猜到我的下場 觀眾會去上廁所記者會去吃便當[02:07.40]可是 我還是願意 拿出我的誠意 讓你們知道我做了多少努力[02:12.80]雖然 我不是很會唱 可是我願意把我的一切拿給大家分享[02:19.95]都說我不會唱歌 我的嗓音沒有那麼獨特[02:24.56]但我保持一份自信 賣房子保留我的個性 你們說我還行不行[02:30.13]別說我不會唱歌 我的聲音就算沒有特色[02:34.15]可是我還有份熱情 要讓你們開心 你們說我還行不行[02:42.39]都說我不會唱歌 我的嗓音沒有那麼獨特[02:45.61]但我保持一份自信 保留我的個性 你們說我還行不行租房子[02:51.91]別說我不會唱歌 我的聲音就算沒有特色[02:55.65]可是我還有份熱情 要讓你們開心 你們說我還行不行[03:01.16][03:03.05]都說我不會唱歌

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適時打蠟助愛車“養顏” 酸雨酸霧可損害汽車面容 在平時的雨霧天氣,在很多車主看來並不會對汽車有什麼影響。不過中裕豐田的售後專家認為,這種看法仲介網是錯誤的。尤其是在珠三角,由於工業發達往往會導致雨霧的酸性偏高,平時的雨霧,很多時候都是酸雨酸霧,都會對汽車造成不同成都的損傷。 原來,酸雨、室內裝潢酸霧能夠使漆膜褪色,甚至損壞,從而引起腐蝕。最明顯的後果是汽車面漆上有一些類似水滴幹後的印記,印記處漆已經變色,黃色有可能變成白色或者深棕色,深藍室內設計會變成白色,白色可能變成褪色的粉紅色,紅色會變成紫色。 事實上,由於酸雨酸霧而導致汽車受損的例子並不少見。據車行介紹,每年四五月份,都會有不少系統傢俱汽車要回店上漆或作修補,這種情況在雨霧頻繁的時候就更加明顯。 車蠟可減少9成依附水滴 專家認為,最有效的解決辦法就是給車子上蠟。首先,車蠟能商空設計夠使車身的水滴附著減少60%到90%,特別是剛打蠟以後的首次洗車會明顯感覺到洗車的省力。其次,打蠟還可以防高溫、防紫外線,無論冬夏,如果汽車長期裸露,在婚紗太陽光下會形成較高溫度,打蠟形成的薄層可以將光線反射掉,避免油漆的老化。 此外還能防靜電,由於化纖、絲毛等如坐墊、衣物等摩擦,還有汽車在行駛中當舖,空氣與車身的摩擦,容易產生靜電。車蠟的防靜電主要是隔斷空氣、塵埃與車身漆面的摩擦,通過打蠟可有效地防止靜電的產生,也降低帶電塵埃對汽車的附著。 鑽石 專家介紹,半年內的新車是不需要打蠟的。不過,六個月以後開始打蠟。一般一個月打一次,如果雨天霧天比較多的話,可以適當再縮短時間,最好能在兩周到三票貼周之間打一次蠟。  轎車 進口車

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25 AWEOM IPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS25 Awesome iPhone tips and tricks By Marc Saltzman | Digital Crave – 7 hours ago Whether you're a seasoned user or brand new to the iPhone world, chances are you're probably not using your smartphone to its fullest. Don't worry, you're not alone, as these pocket-sized computers boast many hundreds of features buried in the operating system. And so here we share a number of our favorite iPhone tips and tricks, some of which you may know already. Hopefully there's a good number of ones you aren't aware of yet. Most of these following 25 suggestions will work with all versions of the iPhone, but be sure to have the latest software installed (iOS 5.1). OK, here we go: Take a photo with your headphone cord: Now that you can use the volume up or down buttons to snap a photo, steady your hand while framing up the photo and when you're ready to take the picture, press 建築設計the button on the cord so it won't shake the iPhone. Voila! Dry out a wet iPhone: You're not the first one to drop an iPhone in a toilet or sink. If this happens, don't turn it on as you can damage the smartphone by short-circuiting it. Lightly towel dry the phone. Don't use a hairdryer on the phone as it can further push moisture into areas that aren't wet. Submerge the iPhone in a bowl or Ziploc bag of uncooked white rice and leave it overnight. If you have it, try using a desiccant packet you might find with a new pair of shoes or leather purse. Dismiss suggested words: If you're typing an email or note and the virtual keyboard is suggesting the correct spelling of the word — and you don't want to accept it — you don't need to tap the tiny "X" at the end of the word in question. Simply tap anywhere on the screen to close the suggestion box. Take photos faster: Even if your iPhone is locked 個人信貸you can double-tap on the Home button and you'll see a camera icon you can tap to open the camera immediately. Now you can use the volume up button to snap the photo, too. You can also use the volume up on the headphone cord to take a photo (if you want to) and pinch the screen to zoom instead of using the slider bar. Use location-based reminders: You probably know Siri can be used to set a reminder, like saying "Siri, remind me to call mom at 4pm today." But did you know you can set location-based reminders on your iPhone 4S? Say "Remind me to call mom when I leave here" or "Remind me to call mom when I get home" and you'll be notified accordingly. Get word definitions: Apple has recently added a built-in dictionary and you can access it in most apps that let you select a word. Simply press and hold on a word — such as in an email, reminder, iBooks, and so on — and you'll see a pop-up option for "Define." 票貼Revive a frozen iPhone: If your smartphone freezes on you and pressing the Sleep/Wake button on top of the device doesn't do anything, don't panic. Instead, press and hold the Home button and the Sleep/Wake button at the same time. You'll be prompted to swipe the "Slide to Power Off" tab. This so-called "hard reset" resuscitates the frozen iPhone. You'll first need to wait through a full shut down and restart. Get more done in less time: You can create shortcuts to words and phrases you use a lot, such as Northern California Association for Employment in Education. In Settings, go to General, then Keyboard, and select Add New Shortcut. Now you can add new words or phrases and assign shortcuts to them (such as "NCAEE," in the above example, and it'll type out the full word each time. See a 6-day weather forecast: If you're one of the many weather junkies out there, you probably know you can swipe down 融資the iOS device's screen and you'll see the Notifications center. Weather will be at the top, but did you know you can swipe to the left or right and you'll toggle between current conditions and a 6-day forecast? Plus, jump to the Weather app by tapping anywhere on the weather bar inside Notifications screen. Select URL domains faster: When typing a website address in Safari, you don't have to type the ".com." For example, you can type "yahoo" in the URL box to get to yahoo.com. On a related note, you can press and hold down the .com button and you'll see a list of alternatives to choose, such as .net, .org and .edu. Make your own ringtone: Don't settle with the ringtones provided by Apple and you need not pay your carrier for more of them. As the name suggests, the free Ringtone Maker app lets you take a clip from your favorite songs and make ringtones out of them in seconds. Feel and see when people 農地貸款call: Apple has added a number of accessibility features to iOS 5, specifically designed to assist those with hearing, vision, mobility and other disabilities. For example, those who are hearing impaired might opt to have the LED flash when a call comes in. If you're seeing impaired, you could set a unique vibration pattern for different people in your Contacts, so you know who's calling. Find your lost iPhone: As long as you sign up in advance, the free Find My iPhone app will help you locate your device on a map (on your computer or other iOS device). You can display a message or initiate a loud ring (in case it's under the cushions), or remotely lock or wipe its data. Save photos in Safari: You're surfing the web in Safari and stumble upon a photo you'd like to save. Simply press and hold on a photo when on a website and you'll be prompted with a menu asked if you'd like to "Save Image." Once 賣房子the photo is saved, you can view it offline, email it or set it as wallpaper. Take an iPhone screen grab: On a related note, if you want to take a screenshot of a website or application, press down on the Home button and tap the Sleep button. You'll hear the camera click, see a white flash and the screenshot will be saved to your Camera Roll. Get new sounds: It's been a long time coming, but Apple has added the ability to select custom tones for incoming text messages, new emails, voicemails, tweets, calendar alerts, reminders and more. You can select something you like from within the Sounds menu. You'll also notice you can scroll to the top of this list of sounds and you'll see a "Buy More Tones" option, which takes you to iTunes. Zip to the top of the page: In Mail, Safari, Contacts and other apps, simply tap the status bar at the top of the screen — the area that displays time, battery and cell bars — to 房屋出租jump back to the top quickly. Prolong your battery: Speaking of the battery, here's how to squeeze more life out of your iPhone between charges. Turn down the brightness of your screen, turn off wireless radios you don't use (such as GPS, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth) and reduce the number of apps with info you have "pushed" to your phone. Also, make sure you lock it before putting in your pocket, purse or backpack or else it could turn on and drain the battery. Spread out the keyboard for easier typing: Here's a tip for iPad users: If you like typing while holding the tablet, rather than stretch your fingers or thumbs for those middle letters like G, H, Y or B, you can drag the keyboard to each side of the screen to separate it into two, allowing you to easily type while holding it. Learn some gestures: Close any app ridiculously fast by putting your four fingers and thumb stretched on the screen and pinch inwards. Sweet! 信用卡代償You can also magnify what's on your iPhone screen with a three-finger tap. You'll first need to go to Settings, General, Accessibility, and select the various gestures options here. Create an "app" out of a website you visit often: To add a website to your Home screen, just visit the webpage in Safari and at the top of the screen, tap the Go To icon and select "Add to Home Screen." Create a music playlist on the fly: You no longer need a computer to create a playlist. In the Music app, tap Playlists, then select Add Playlist and give it a name ("Marc's Workout Mix"). Now, tap any song (or video) to add it to the playlist. You can add individual songs, entire albums, or all songs by a particular artist. Don't waste your day deleting messages individually: You can delete unwanted emails en masse rather than deleting one at a time. In your Inbox, simply click the Edit button and check off the emails you want to 借錢delete with your finger and then choose Delete. Keep track of your texting limits: If you don't have the best texting plan and don't want to unnecessarily pay to send more texts than you need, here's a tip to turn on the character count in the Messages app. Enable this in the Settings>Message option to keep an eye on your word count. Usually, your one text becomes two after 160 characters. Mirror your iPhone with your TV: If you own an Apple TV, you can instantly and wirelessly share exactly what's on your iPhone 4S or second- and third-generation iPad with your HDTV, connected to an Apple TV — such as games, apps or videos. Simply double-tap the Home button, swipe all the way to the right and select AirPlay Mirroring. Yahoo! readers, have a favorite iPhone tip to share? Feel free to leave a comment below.

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聆聽,才能看見真正的困境施俊堯:聆聽,才能看見真正的困境 多聽對方說自己的問題,找出真正對他有幫助的方法,對我來說,那才是面對真相的態度。口述&圖片提供=施俊堯.整理=蕭紫菡.攝影=黃念謹從中央警察大學畢業後,我曾在監獄工作過兩年。許多人對於監獄裡的犯人,多半有一種負面的印象,要不是很害怕,就是覺得他們是壞人,需要用非常凶惡的方式來管理。然而,從大學時期就加入「義務張老師」的我,因為在受訓過程中,體會到許多不同的思褐藻醣膠考,使得我在監獄工作的這兩年,有了非常不同的體驗。讓每個人知道自己永遠有新的可能 在監獄裡,我負責管理犯人的生活起居及職能訓練。對這些所謂的「犯人」,我從來不會感到害怕,因為我從來不會從「惡」的那面去看待他們,反而覺得他們每個人的背後都充滿了故事。我曾在台中監獄工作一年,這是個重刑監,關的幾乎都是殺人犯、無期徒刑……,每個人被關在小小的房間裡,很熱,非常容易燥動;然而,我待的那一年,監獄沒有出過任何事。我想,只要能讓每西服個人覺得自己並不是太糟糕,沒有人會想用暴力的方式去向世界證明自己的存在。而當犯人在工廠做工時,我會跟他們說:「你們在這裡燒一個杯子,得到一塊錢,這跟外面的工人領的薪水是一樣的,我不會從中收取任何利潤,不信的話,可以請人去外頭探聽看看。」每個假日,我是唯一留下來加班陪他們的人。我想,這是我在「張老師」學到的觀念——多站在對方的立場思考。尤其對這樣的犯人,多一份關心,讓他們知道有人願意拋棄以前放在他們身上的包袱,用好的方式房屋買賣去對待他們;而當他們可以在這裡自己賺錢,就不用再寫信回家,跟家人要錢。在這裡能有自尊心和成就感,體會過這種經驗後再出去,就比較容易真的好起來。那一年,監獄沒有人鬧過事,他們知道,我這樣對待他們,如果再出事,就是對不起我。一直記得,有個犯人出獄後,在我家附近賣水果,每天看他騎著三輪車叫賣,經過我家時還跟我打招呼,數十年如一日。對我來說,看到他沒有再變壞,靠著自己的勞力生活下去,也就夠了。讓每個人知道自己永遠有新的可能——永慶房屋跟我在「張老師」處理個案的心情是一樣的:在每個相處的過程中,讓當事人不論困境有多麼艱難,都有正向思考的機會。八年的義張生涯裡,我當過「電話張老師」、「幼獅張老師」、「街頭張老師」,不論是電話諮商,還是上街頭和少年交談,我都很樂於擔任一個「垃圾筒」的角色;當對方把自己的負面情緒往我這邊倒時,我便試著把這些「垃圾」,轉化為有用的東西。同理,將每個案子當成有生命的個體 在澎湖監獄工作時,我也曾遇到一個貪汙犯。當時,我聽這位公關鍵字行銷務員說他自己的故事時,我最大的感觸是——一個人之所以會選擇走上哪條路,許多時候並不是他自己願意,而是環境的影響實在太大。當在同一個工作環境裡,大家都這麼做,自己不配合便會被貼上「不合群」的標籤時,做不做?當這麼做可以多少解決長久以來難解的家庭問題時,如何抗拒?問他再重來一次,如果那些環境因素都能解決,他還會貪汙嗎?他很篤定地說不會。這讓我想到,我們在「張老師」,就是在學習幫個案去思考,什麼樣的背景因素,讓他們犯錯或陷入房屋出租困境?而我們又能怎樣幫助他們解決那些外在因素?這樣的「同理心」,才能真正面對、解決困難。因此,當我離開了「張老師」,從事司法工作時,我也習慣用同理的方式,去處理每一個法律案件。因為我知道,每個人被判有罪的原因都不一樣;例如,曾經有人從泰國運毒回台灣,表面上,他的動機是為了錢,但我想一定還有背後的因素存在,因此,除了看手上的卷宗,我也會花時間問他:「為什麼要這樣?」一問之下,才知是因為他媽媽生病,沒有醫療資源可以幫忙。於澎湖民宿是,我便向他承諾,我會請警察去他家訪視他母親,再看看是否需要急難救助。如果我是一個想「盡快結案」的法官,如果我不曾明白什麼叫做「同理心」,我就不能把每一件案子都當成有生命的東西看待。像處理車禍的案子,我會看是否等肇事者真的籌出錢來賠償被害人時,再把案子結掉,而不是立刻把他抓去關。抓人去關也許是一個正確的判決,但,我比較希望的是,如何讓兩造都得到機會?聆聽,才能接近真相 尤其面對重刑犯,我會更加細心。幾年前,報紙上記載著裝潢國內第一個因DNA驗出結果不符,被告宣判無罪的性侵害案,便是我判的。當時,我也可以憑主觀意識和大致的證據就直接判他有罪,但,多聽對方說、多花時間尋找更多線索;就像病人來看病,不要急著要他去領藥,而是多聽他說說自己的症狀,找出真正對他有幫助的方法。對我來說,那才是面對真相的態度。「張老師」的工作就是「聽」。有時,對方講的是真的,有時是假的,但我都讓他說,從不會因為他說什麼,我就大罵或打斷。如果對方看到判決書,知道自己說的關鍵字廣告你都有在聽,即使最後被判有罪,也會心服口服;如果他沒講完你就判,他永遠會帶著一種怨恨。我認為司法本身就是一個教育工作,讓當事人盡量說,從不限制時間也不打斷,也許會花掉很多時間,但是不思考這部分,工作就會變得很機械化;好比吃飯,天天吃,你可能會覺得食之無味,但換個角度看,去想想,這些米飯是很多人努力的結果,於是,就會懂得珍惜箇中滋味。而「張老師」的訓練和經驗,就是提供我在不同的人生階段,面對不同的人時,多去思考背後那一面借貸的養成者。

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